Crisis Resources

If you have recently experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, or sexual exploitation, and would prefer to speak with a confidential resource, please connect directly with the Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team at the Barnes Center at the Arch by calling their 24/7 helpline at 315.443.8000, dial 1.

If you need immediate medical attention or transportation to a local emergency room for a forensic examination, contact the Syracuse University Ambulance emergency line at 315.443.4299 or call 711 (on campus) or call 911 (off campus).

If you have recently experienced sexual assault and/or relationship violence, here are some things you may want to consider:

  • Try to preserve all physical evidence. Do not bathe, shower, drink, brush your teeth, wash your hands or change your clothes until you have a medical examination. You can choose to make a police report immediately or in the future, but evidence will degrade or vanish. Removed clothes should also be placed in a clean paper or plastic bag to prevent deterioration.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible after a sexual assault, even if you choose not to have an examination to collect evidence. It is important to seek medical help to assess for any possible injuries, provide emergency contraception (if needed), and screen for sexually transmitted infections.
  • Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and pregnancy are available by appointment at the Barnes Center at the Arch Healthcare at 315.443.8000.
  • If you suspect that you might have been given a drug, please contact your local law enforcement agency to report. Testing is available through your local hospital.
  • Several reporting options are available to you:

If you are concerned about payment of medical expenses related to examination after a sexual assault, the Sexual & Relationship Violence Response Team can inform you of available financial assistance.