Record Keeping and Transcript Notation

The University will maintain records related to reports or complaints of Prohibited Conduct for a period of seven (7) years. Such records may include, without limitation, investigation reports and evidence, hearing records, disciplinary decisions or communications, appeals, informal resolution documents, requests for and provision of Supportive Measures, and other records demonstrating actions the University took to respond to the reported conduct.

The University will also maintain training records for the same period of time.  The records will be kept private to the extent required or permitted by law. If a student Respondent is found responsible for violence-related conduct as defined by the Clery Act (including Sexual Assault, Dating or Domestic Violence, or Stalking) and they are suspended or expelled as a result, the University will place the following notations on their academic transcripts:

  1. In cases of suspension – “suspended after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation.”
  2. In cases of expulsion – “expelled after a finding of responsibility for code of conduct violation.”

If a student who has alleged to have been involved in an incident involving violence-related violations withdraws from the University with an investigation or conduct case pending, the following notation will be listed on their University transcript: “withdrew with conduct charges pending.”

Students found responsible for other forms of Prohibited Conduct, and who are suspended or expelled as a result, will have the following notation listed on their transcript: “Administrative Withdrawal – University Initiated”.

Students who have been suspended who would like to appeal the suspension notation on their transcript may do so one year after the conclusion of the suspension via the process listed in Part 15 of the Student Conduct System Handbook. If their appeal is successful, the notation will be revised to read “Administrative Withdrawal – University Initiated.” Notations for expulsion will not be revised or removed.