Meet Our Staff

The Student Title IX Case Management team is dedicated to helping ensure that all students have access to a safe, welcome learning environment, free of fear from sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking.

Our office is here to assist the student body by

  • Providing information regarding Syracuse University’s Title IX resolution processes
  • Investigating reported instances of sexual misconduct or gender-based discrimination
  • Connecting impacted students with various campus supportive measures

Student Title IX Case Management does not determine responsibility or sanctioning. Our office uses trauma-informed practices to investigate complaints of sexual harassment, assault, stalking, dating violence, and exploitation. Our investigators conduct investigations in a non-biased manner and prepare investigation reports for hearings conducted through Community Standards for formal resolutions. We facilitate written agreements between parties for informal resolutions.

Our Team

Our team is dedicated to offering students a neutral investigative body, whether impacted by or alleged to engage in sexual or relationship violence. Our goal is to facilitate the Title IX process for students, help students understand the resolution processes, and to direct students to available supportive measures provided by the University. The Student Title IX team is divided into three key roles:

The Title IX Coordinator for Students is trained on the definition of Prohibited Conduct, the scope of the University’s Education Program or Activity, how to conduct an investigation and resolution process, and how to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias. The Director can also initiate a Formal Resolution on behalf of the University if the alleged actions are deemed a threat to the general campus community.

Pamela Peter,

The Student Title IX Case Coordinator initiates the Title IX process when our office receives a report. They will send an outreach to the impacted party within 24-48 hours of receiving the report to attempt to schedule an intake meeting, where they will explain the resolution processes and inform the student(s) about the various supportive measures and resources provided by Syracuse University.

Katie Brody,

Title IX Investigators will investigate the allegations made in the Formal Complaint during the investigation period of the Formal Resolution process, compiling evidence and conducting interviews with parties and witnesses. They then submit a prepared report of their findings to Community Standards, who will then prepare a hearing for the case.

Bernerd L. Jacobson,

Michaline Younis,

Katie Newcomb,

The Office Coordinator oversees certain activity in the Student Title IX Case Management office, including answering the main phone line, helping to process walk-ins, and contacting involved parties and/or potential witnesses.

Francis Crociata,